​ChangeLog == V 0.1 demo

Hello everyone, after so much time in development I thought it was a good idea to bring you a change log with everything that has been done in the game, or almost.

We are very close to the end of phase 1 of the game, and many things are looking fabulous, I know it is taking a while, and it will be 1 year of development, but it will be worth it, this is the first of many projects, so feedback is key , and at launch will be used to improve gameplay.

Let's go to the change log;


Game systems, and their functionalities.

1. Graphic settings system; you can configure the graphics quality of the game, enable or disable rain, grass, mushrooms and flowers separately.

2. System audio settings; you can change music volume, ambient sounds and sound effects separately;

3. You can edit your name so that villagers know you better;

4. you take screenshots with F2;

5. You can see the FPS with F3;

6. TAB can disable HUD;

7. You can access different building modes with "X' and "C";

8. Inventory can be accessed with "E";

9. The numeric keypad can change the item you are using;

10. Bears are peaceful, but will become enraged if you attack them;

11. all inventories have different limits, according to their function;

12. Weather ethos are random, and can modify the scenery, and greet the player;

13. Items like wood, stone and mace appear randomly in the scenery;

14. trees, if cut down, will not appear again;

15. stones, and bushes regenerate;

16. animals appear randomly;


Some things still being developed for release;

1. Mission menu, and missions;

2. teleportation totem;

3. islands to visit;

4. Island NPCs;

5. invaders;

6. trade;

7. other health change, such as cold, heat, illness;


Well guys, there are several other things that complement the game, and make it much more fun, but that will be for the launch, you'll see with your own eyes, until next time.


Signed; Knight Blue - Another Level.


  • anotherlevelsuporteoficial@gmail.com


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